The breakthrough technology that makes Mojave Myst so effective comes directly from the earth. Precious earth elements that have been used for thousands of years to increase health, wellness, and vitality are now combined in a patent-pending colloidal suspension that delivers the desired results without compromise. This transformative product effectively provides odor cancelling technology using a non-toxic formulation. Mojave Myst does not use toxic chemicals and aluminum found in traditional deodorant and anti-perspirant brands. This patent-pending blend of precious earth elements diminishes bacteria growth and provides powerful anti-microbial benefits that eliminate body odor.


PLATINUM is known to reduce inflammation and free radical damage resulting in the protection of the outer layer of the skin.

GOLD is helpful in the regeneration of skin cells and has been effective in treating eczema, rashes, burns, and fungal infections.

SILVER is used in hospital bandaging for people suffering from extensive burns because it promotes collagen and elastin regeneration in the skin.

COPPER is a well-known antimicrobial substance that does not harm the skin in any way. Copper is anti-aging and has most recently been studied as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

Reference: Going for the Gold (or Silver, or Bronze): Why Precious Metals Are Good for Your Skin


We are so proud of Mojave Myst’s odor cancelling technology that we would like to share an excerpt from our patent application:


Aluminum-based products are commonly used in modern anti-perspirants and other personal hygiene products. The aluminum-based active ingredients [in traditional products] are effective at plugging sweat glands to reduce perspiration in the area of application. Although generally effective at reducing perspiration, studies have found that aluminum-based anti-perspirants may have harmful side effects, including an increased risk of breast cancer. Claims have also been made that an accumulation of absorbed aluminum may increase risks for other diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and decreased kidney function. Even aluminum-free deodorant products may include chemicals that present health concerns, particularly if used over an extended period. There is, therefore, a need for an improved personal hygiene product that performs well as a deodorant without exposing consumers to potentially harmful ingredients. It is to these and other deficiencies in traditional deodorizing formulas that the present invention, Mojave Myst, is directed.


In exemplary embodiments, the present invention provides a non-toxic personal hygiene product that is well-suited for use as an underarm deodorant. The embodiments within the scope of the present invention include a blend of metal colloidal particles suspended in a carrier solution. [The non-toxic Mojave Myst deodorant product includes a combination of platinum, gold, silver, and copper particles.]